Young & Beautiful (2013) is a French coming-of-age drama that follows the life of Isabelle, a teenage girl from a middle-class family. Isabelle decides to lose her virginity with a German boy named Felix during her summer vacation in the south of France. After returning to Paris with her family, she starts working as a call girl under the name Lea, meeting older men for money.
However, her emotions become entangled when she develops genuine affection for one of her clients, Georges, who is married with a daughter. Tragedy strikes when Georges suffers a heart attack while having sex with Isabelle in a hotel room. Fearing the consequences, Isabelle runs away, but the police begin to investigate and identify her as the prime suspect.
As the investigation progresses, Isabelle's mother, Sylvie, and stepfather, Patrick, are devastated to learn about her secret life. The detectives handling the case eventually share the truth with Sylvie, revealing the extent of Isabelle's activities as a call girl. This revelation forces Sylvie to confront her own failures as a mother.
Young & Beautiful delves into the complexities of adolescent sexuality, the yearning for adult experiences, and the consequences of such choices. It explores themes of identity, power dynamics, and the blurred line between innocence and maturity. Through its intimate and provocative storytelling, the film challenges societal norms and invites viewers to question their own understanding of morality and the pursuit of personal fulfillment.