You Belong to Me is a captivating psychological thriller that follows the story of Dr. Jeffrey Landers, a respected psychiatrist whose life takes a dramatic turn after one of his clients tragically takes their own life. Struggling with guilt and a disrupted family life, Landers decides to help the deceased client's brother, Julian, by introducing him to his wife and daughter. However, this seemingly innocent act sets off a chain of events that unravel the Landers' lives.
As Landers tries to navigate the aftermath of his client's suicide, he becomes entangled in a complex web of deception and obsession. The introduction of Julian into their lives exposes hidden secrets and dark desires, leading to fractures within the family unit.
Directed by Danish Renzu, You Belong to Me expertly weaves together themes of mental health, grief, and the consequences of our actions. With its intense storyline and thought-provoking narrative, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, delving into the intricate psychology of its characters.
With exceptional performances from the cast, including Daniel Quinn as Dr. Jeffrey Landers, Aditi Vasudev as his wife, and Justin Xavier Smith as Julian, You Belong to Me offers a riveting exploration of the human psyche. Perfect for fans of psychological thrillers, this film is guaranteed to leave audiences questioning the boundaries of trust and the extent of one's loyalty.
Also Known As:
Every Breath You TakeRelease Date:
02 Apr 2021Writers:
David Murray