Yankee (2019–) is a gripping drama series that follows the journey of a young American entrepreneur who finds himself caught in a dangerous world of drug trafficking in Mexico. Driven by a desire to protect his family, he becomes a formidable drug lord.
The series opens with the introduction of Malcolm Moriarty, a smart and ambitious businessman who relocates his family to Mexico. However, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes entangled with a powerful drug cartel. Faced with threats and violence, Malcolm takes matters into his own hands to ensure the safety of his loved ones.
As Malcolm navigates the treacherous landscape of the Mexican drug trade, he must outwit both rival cartels and corrupt authorities. Along the way, he forms alliances with questionable characters and adopts a new identity as Yankee to establish his position in this dangerous world.
Yankee combines intense action sequences with a thought-provoking exploration of family loyalty, power dynamics, and the consequences of one's choices. With stunning cinematography and riveting storytelling, the series keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, offering a captivating look into the dark underbelly of the drug trade.
Join Malcolm Moriarty on his high-stakes journey as he enters a world of intrigue and danger in his quest to protect his family in Yankee.