Yakuza Princess is an action-packed thriller that follows the story of an heiress who discovers her true identity as the heir to half of the Yakuza crime syndicate. In an unexpected turn of events, she forms an unlikely alliance with a mysterious amnesiac stranger who believes their destinies are intertwined by an ancient sword.
As the duo embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about their shared past, they find themselves caught in the midst of a dangerous war between the rival factions of the Yakuza syndicate. The heiress must summon her inner strength and use her newfound abilities to protect herself from the merciless members of the opposing half of the syndicate, who are determined to eliminate her.
Throughout the film, viewers will be on the edge of their seats as they witness intense action sequences, thrilling chase scenes, and mind-bending plot twists. With stunning cinematography and a gripping storyline, Yakuza Princess offers an immersive experience that keeps audiences engaged from start to finish.
This electrifying collaboration between an amnesiac stranger and the Yakuza heiress sets the stage for an epic battle that will determine their fate. Will they be able to survive the relentless attacks from the rival syndicate and unravel the secrets of their past? Find out in Yakuza Princess, a high-stakes, adrenaline-fueled rollercoaster ride that will leave audiences craving for more.
Also Known As:
Yakuza PrincessRelease Date:
07 Oct 2021Writers:
Danilo Beyruth, Fernando Toste, Kimi Lee