Wrong Turn at Tahoe (2009) is an intense crime thriller that follows the story of Joshua, played by Cuba Gooding Jr., a loyal enforcer for a small-time crime boss, Vincent, portrayed by Harvey Keitel. Joshua's life takes a dangerous turn when he unknowingly kills a drug dealer who happens to work for the most powerful crime boss in the nation, Nino, portrayed by Kim Coates.
When Nino finds out about the murder, tensions rise as he seeks revenge and demands the killer be handed over. However, Vincent has other plans, refusing to give up Joshua to Nino and triggering a deadly showdown between the two crime bosses. As the violence escalates, Joshua finds himself torn between loyalty to Vincent and the desire to survive as he navigates a treacherous path filled with deceit, betrayal, and shifting alliances.
Directed by Franck Khalfoun, Wrong Turn at Tahoe delivers a gripping blend of action, drama, and suspense that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Gooding Jr., Keitel, and Coates deliver powerful performances, portraying complex characters caught in a dangerous web of crime and vendetta.
With its expertly crafted plot twists and riveting action sequences, Wrong Turn at Tahoe is a thrilling ride that will captivate crime thriller enthusiasts and keep them guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
Wrong Turn at TahoeRelease Date:
17 Nov 2009Writers:
Eddie Nickerson