In the suspenseful thriller Worst Roommate Ever (2022–2024), Alex Miller faces a living nightmare when she rents out her room to a stranger named Jed Creek, unaware of his dark past as a serial squatter. As Jed manipulates the tenancy laws to his advantage, Alex finds herself fighting to regain control of her own home. The tension escalates as Alex becomes increasingly isolated and powerless, trapped in a frightening battle for her own space and safety. Will she be able to outsmart Jed and reclaim what is rightfully hers, or will she fall victim to his sinister schemes? Worst Roommate Ever (2022–2024) is a gripping tale of deception, manipulation, and survival that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Experience the chilling thrills and twists of this harrowing story as Alex fights to break free from the clutches of the worst roommate imaginable.
Also Known As:
Worst Roommate EverRelease Date:
01 Mar 2022