World of Winx (2016–2017) is an exciting animated series that takes viewers on a thrilling adventure with the Winx fairies. In this fascinating show, the Winx fairies travel around the globe in search of talented individuals for their talent show, known as WOW. However, their mission becomes more complex when they discover the presence of a mysterious talent thief who constantly threatens to kidnap these extraordinary individuals.
Throughout their journey, the Winx fairies use their magical powers and incredible teamwork to overcome various challenges and protect the talented individuals they encounter. Each episode is filled with suspense and excitement as the fairies work tirelessly to find the perfect candidates for their show while simultaneously ensuring their safety.
Created with a captivating storyline and vibrant animation, World of Winx takes viewers on an adventure-packed ride that showcases the strength and determination of the Winx fairies. Along the way, they face twists and turns, encountering both friends and foes. As the fairies strive to unveil the identity of the talent thief, they also discover new powers within themselves and form deep bonds of friendship.
With its compelling plot and engaging characters, World of Winx provides an enjoyable and entertaining viewing experience for audiences of all ages. Don't miss out on the opportunity to join the Winx fairies on their thrilling quest to protect talent and save the World of Winx!
Also Known As:
World of WinxRelease Date:
04 Nov 2016Writers:
Iginio StraffiAwards:
1 win