Wizards is the thrilling third installment of DreamWork's Tales of Arcadia trilogy. In this action-packed animated series, set in the magical realm of Arcadia, ordinary teenager Jim Lake Jr. must step up as a wizard to confront the looming evil that threatens his world. With the help of his team of magical creatures and friends, Jim must harness his newfound powers to defeat the dark sorceress Morgana.
Building on the success of the previous two installments, Wizards dives deeper into the hidden secrets and lore of the mystical world of Arcadia. As Jim embarks on his epic quest, he discovers ancient artifacts, encounters formidable creatures, and meets mythical beings from different realms. Along the way, he must navigate treacherous challenges and unravel the mysteries of his own destiny.
With its visually stunning animation and captivating storytelling, Wizards delivers a spellbinding adventure that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. Fans of the Tales of Arcadia trilogy are sure to be captivated by this epic conclusion, while newcomers will find themselves immersed in a world filled with magic, action, and unexpected twists.
Prepare to embark on a magical journey like no other in Wizards, where the fate of Arcadia hangs in the balance and heroes are forged.
Also Known As:
WizardsRelease Date:
07 Aug 2020Writers:
Guillermo del ToroAwards:
3 wins & 5 nominations