In the thrilling and comedic movie Witless, we follow the escapades of Leanne and Rhona, two flatmates who unexpectedly find themselves in witness protection after witnessing a terrifying gangland shooting. Their lives are turned upside down as they are given new identities and relocated to a dingy flat in the town of Swindon. As they adjust to their new lives, unbeknownst to them, two incredibly young hitmen are hot on their trail.
Leanne and Rhona quickly realize that adapting to their new identities is not as easy as they had hoped. Hilarity ensues as they navigate their way through the challenges of fighting boredom, surviving on limited resources, and keeping their true identities a secret from their nosy neighbors. Along the way, they encounter a cast of eccentric characters who add to the chaos that surrounds them.
As the tension mounts and the hitmen continue to close in on them, Leanne and Rhona must rely on their wits and newfound friendship to outsmart their pursuers and stay one step ahead. With unexpected twists and turns, this action-packed comedy will keep audiences on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting each hilarious and heart-pounding moment.
Witless is a must-watch for fans of crime comedies, offering a unique blend of thrilling suspense and laugh-out-loud moments. Get ready to join Leanne and Rhona on their thrilling journey as they strive to outwit their pursuers and keep their true identities under wraps.