With Love is a heartwarming and captivating series that revolves around the lives of two siblings, Lily and Jorge Diaz. The Diaz siblings embark on a quest to find love and discover their true purpose in life. This heartwarming series takes place during the most special and eventful time of the year - the holidays.
Throughout their journey, Lily and Jorge encounter various residents, seemingly unrelated at first, yet their paths intertwine in unexpected ways. These chance encounters during the festive season bring together a diverse group of individuals, each struggling with their own challenges and aspirations.
With Love explores the depths of human connection and the power of love to transform lives. It delves into the importance of family, self-discovery, and the pursuit of happiness. As each character faces personal obstacles and navigates their way through pivotal moments in their lives, they find solace and growth in the presence of others.
Featuring a moving storyline, rich character development, and stunning cinematography, With Love is a must-watch series. It beautifully captures the essence of the holiday season, while portraying the universal desire for love and purpose. Join Lily and Jorge and their fellow residents on this heartwarming and transformative journey filled with love, joy, and hope.
Also Known As:
With LoveRelease Date:
17 Dec 2021Writers:
Gloria Calderón KellettAwards:
3 nominations