Will Reading (2020) is a heartwarming comedy film centered around a group of friends who reunite to honor their late buddy's final wish. When their friend Jack passes away, his widow, Amy, gathers his closest pals together to search their house for money he hid from the IRS.
The film follows the group of friends as they embark on a hilarious and adventurous quest to locate the hidden funds. Along the way, they discover not only the challenges of finding the money but also deeper connections with each other and the importance of friendship.
Directed by Jamie Insalaco, Will Reading combines elements of comedy, drama, and mystery to create an engaging and entertaining story. The film features a talented ensemble cast, including Greg Vorob, Megan Bussiere, Jamie Insalaco, and Kara Sullivan, who bring warmth and humor to their roles.
Will Reading is an uplifting and funny film that explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the unexpected twists life can throw at us. With its mix of laughter, heartfelt moments, and surprising revelations, this movie provides an enjoyable and thought-provoking viewing experience for audiences of all ages.
Don't miss Will Reading on your streaming service and join this group of friends on their eccentric treasure hunt that goes far beyond just finding hidden money.
Also Known As:
Will ReadingRelease Date:
28 Aug 2020Writers:
Jamie Insalaco, Jamie Insalaco