In Wild Card (2015), we meet Nick Wild, a skilled bodyguard with a dangerous gambling habit. Set in Las Vegas, Nick quickly finds himself in deep trouble with the mob after protecting his friend Holly, resulting in a series of events that could cost him everything. With his back against the wall, Nick must utilize his lethal skills to navigate a dangerous web of deceit, violence, and betrayal.
As the tension reaches its peak, Nick devises a risky plan that could be his last play. With everything at stake, he embarks on a thrilling journey to confront his enemies head-on and take control of his own destiny. Packed with intense action sequences and unexpected twists, Wild Card is a gripping thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Starring Jason Statham in a captivating performance, Wild Card offers a unique blend of suspense and adrenaline-fueled entertainment. Directed by Simon West and based on the novel by William Goldman, this film takes viewers on a thrilling rollercoaster ride through the gritty underbelly of Las Vegas, leaving them guessing until the very end. Get ready for a high-stakes battle where the odds are against Nick Wild, but he's determined to come out on top.
Also Known As:
Wild CardRelease Date:
14 Jan 2015Writers:
William Goldman