In the small town of Littlehampton, a conservative local named Edith and other residents start receiving vulgar letters, leading to chaos in the community. Rose, an Irish migrant known for her rowdy behavior, is blamed for the profanity-filled notes and is charged with the crime. However, as the town's women band together to uncover the truth, they begin to suspect that there may be more to the situation than meets the eye. Through their investigation, secrets are unearthed, relationships are tested, and unexpected alliances are formed.
Wicked Little Letters is a comedy-mystery film that explores the power of female solidarity and the impact of small-town gossip. With its mix of humor and suspense, the movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they try to unravel the mystery behind the scandalous letters. As the women of Littlehampton come together to solve the case, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, forgiveness, and the importance of standing up for what is right.
Also Known As:
Wicked Little LettersRelease Date:
05 Apr 2024Writers:
Jonny SweetAwards:
1 nomination