In the mysterious metropolis of Wicked City, where humans and demons coexist uneasily, a male human named Taki and a female demon named Makie are reluctantly paired up to protect a key signatory to a peace treaty. With tensions running high between the two species, their mission becomes increasingly dangerous and complicated.
Taki, a seasoned human operative, is initially skeptical of working with Makie, a seductive and powerful demon with her own agenda. However, as they spend more time together, they begin to recognize their shared struggles and develop a mutual attraction. Thus, the possibility of their relationship becoming the catalyst for peace between humans and demons arises.
As they navigate through the treacherous world of Wicked City, Taki and Makie encounter various freakish creatures and encounter a web of dark secrets that threaten to destroy their mission and their developing bond. Both characters are forced to confront their inner demons and confront the complexities of their respective societies.
Wicked City, a gripping and visually stunning anime film from 1987, explores themes of race, power, and forbidden love. With its visceral action sequences, intricate plot twists, and striking animation, this movie enthralls viewers and offers a unique blend of romance, fantasy, and political intrigue.
Discover the captivating world of Wicked City and witness the struggle for unity between humans and demons – a struggle that hinges on the fragile bond between Taki and Makie.
Also Known As:
Wicked CityRelease Date:
20 Aug 1993Writers:
Hideyuki Kikuchi, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Norio Osada