When the Robbers Came to Cardamom Town is an enchanting animated film that takes viewers on a delightful adventure in the charming town of Kardemomme. In this idyllic place, three mischievous thieves named Kasper, Jesper, and Jonathan, along with their ravenous lion companion, find themselves causing havoc in their pursuit of mischief.
The town itself is home to a fair and benevolent police officer, who maintains order and harmony among the residents. However, the thieves' antics soon catch the attention of Aunt Sofie, a stern and disciplinarian figure, who is determined to put an end to their shenanigans.
As the thieves continue their thieving spree, the town is thrown into chaos, and it's up to the resourceful police officer to restore peace and bring the culprits to justice. But will the thieves learn their lesson and discover the consequences of their actions?
Featuring vibrant animation and a heartwarming storyline, When the Robbers Came to Cardamom Town is a family-friendly movie that will captivate audiences of all ages. Filled with humor, adventure, and valuable life lessons, this film is a must-watch for anyone seeking an entertaining and heartwarming cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Folk og røvere i Kardemomme byRelease Date:
25 Dec 2022Writers:
Thorbjørn Egner, Karsten Fullu, Ingrid Haukelidsæter