When the Rain Is Over (2015) follows the story of Jonathan, a film set runner who is burdened by an overwhelming workload and low pay. Despite the constant barrage of tasks that consume his days, he strives to fulfill his obligations like a soldier enduring a storm. However, his world is turned upside down when he is caught off guard by a literal downpour, forcing him to seek refuge.
As Jonathan seeks shelter from the unexpected storm, he is confronted with a series of challenges that test his resilience and determination. Through this experience, he must confront his own limitations and find the strength to navigate the chaos that surrounds him.
This poignant and introspective film sheds light on the struggles of individuals trapped in a cycle of labor and duty, offering a glimpse into the emotional toll of the relentless demands of everyday life. When the Rain Is Over is a compelling exploration of perseverance, resilience, and the human capacity to weather the storms of life.
Also Known As:
When the Rain Is OverRelease Date:
27 Jun 2015Writers:
Tanja Schwerdorf