When Evil Lurks (2023) is a gripping horror film set in a remote village where two brothers stumble upon a demon-infected man on the brink of unleashing an unspeakable evil. Fearing the consequences of leaving the body unchecked, the brothers attempt to dispose of it discreetly, but their actions inadvertently trigger a spiral of chaos and terror that consumes the entire community.
As the village descends into madness, the brothers must confront their own demons and face the horrifying reality of what they have unleashed. With tensions running high and the presence of evil growing stronger, the brothers must find a way to stop the malevolent force before it consumes them all.
Featuring a tense and suspenseful narrative, When Evil Lurks (2023) delivers a chilling exploration of fear, guilt, and the consequences of meddling with dark forces beyond human comprehension. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as the brothers' desperate struggle for survival unfolds in a nightmarish battle against the unknown.
Also Known As:
When Evil LurksRelease Date:
27 Oct 2023Writers:
Demián RugnaAwards:
1 win & 14 nominations