What Richard Did is a thought-provoking drama that centers around Richard Karlsen, the popular athlete and leader of a privileged group of teenagers in South Dublin. Set during the summer between high school and college, the film explores the bright and promising future that lies ahead for Richard and his friends.
However, everything takes an unexpected turn when Richard makes a life-altering decision one fateful summer night. This decision not only shatters the lives of those closest to him but also forces Richard to confront the stark contrast between the person he believed himself to be and the person he ultimately proves to be.
This powerful and quietly devastating film delves deep into themes of identity, morality, and the consequences of our actions. It paints a compelling portrait of a young man's struggle with the repercussions of his choices and the profound impact they have on his relationships and his own self-perception.
With its strong performances, nuanced storytelling, and realistic portrayal of the complexities of adolescence, What Richard Did is a must-watch for fans of introspective coming-of-age dramas.