What Josiah Saw is a gripping psychological thriller that revolves around a family burdened with long-held secrets. The story follows their reunion at a secluded farmhouse, two decades after a tragic incident that scarred them all. As they gather together, the dark shadows of their past begin to resurface, leading to a reckoning that forces them to confront their guilt and pay for their sins.
Set against the eerie backdrop of the farmhouse, the film expertly builds tension and mystery. Secrets are gradually unveiled, leading to shocking revelations that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The psychological dynamics among the family members add further complexity to the narrative, as they each grapple with their own guilt and struggle to hold onto what semblance of normalcy they have left.
With its atmospheric cinematography and haunting score, What Josiah Saw creates a palpable sense of unease and dread. The film also explores themes of redemption and the consequences of one's actions, challenging viewers to contemplate the nature of guilt and forgiveness.
Directed by a master of suspense, the film boasts a talented ensemble cast who deliver powerful performances, bringing depth and authenticity to their troubled characters. What Josiah Saw is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers, offering a satisfying blend of mystery, suspense, and emotional depth.
Also Known As:
What Josiah SawRelease Date:
04 Aug 2022Writers:
Robert Alan DiltsAwards:
7 wins & 6 nominations