Wellmania (2023–) is a compelling television series that delves into the life of Liv, a young woman whose perspective on health undergoes a significant transformation following a major health crisis. Liv has long subscribed to the live fast, die young mentality, prioritizing hedonism over wellness. However, when faced with a life-altering event, Liv is forced to reevaluate her choices and embark on a journey towards self-discovery.
This thought-provoking series explores Liv's evolution as she navigates the complexities of her own health and well-being. The audience is taken on a captivating exploration of Liv's new mindset, witnessing her gradual shift from reckless abandon to a more introspective approach.
Throughout the series, Liv is confronted with a myriad of challenges and must confront her past lifestyle choices. With each episode, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions as Liv grapples with her physical and mental health, ultimately inspiring viewers to reflect on their own choices and priorities.
Wellmania captivates audiences with an engaging narrative that raises essential questions about the meaning of wellness and the pursuit of a balanced life. With its relatable characters and thought-provoking themes, this series promises an enlightening and entertaining viewing experience that will resonate with individuals who have ever questioned their own approach to well-being.
Also Known As:
WellmaniaRelease Date:
29 Mar 2023Writers:
Brigid Delaney, Benjamin Law