Welcome To Sweden (2014–2015) is a delightful comedy series that follows the story of New York City accountant Bruce, who takes a leap of faith and moves to Sweden after falling head over heels in love with a Swedish woman. Created by Greg Poehler, the show offers a unique blend of humor and cultural exploration as Bruce navigates through the challenges of starting a new life in a foreign country.
The series expertly showcases the stark cultural differences between America and Sweden, offering viewers a chance to see the world through Bruce's eyes. From adapting to a new language and learning Swedish customs to dealing with quirky family members, Bruce's journey is filled with hilarious moments that will leave audiences in stitches.
Welcome To Sweden offers a refreshing take on the fish-out-of-water trope, as Bruce tries to fit into his new environment while being surrounded by eccentric characters. The show's stellar cast, including Greg Poehler as the lovable protagonist and Josephine Bornebusch as his Swedish love interest, deliver exceptional performances that add depth and authenticity to the series.
With its witty dialogue, charming characters, and insightful storytelling, Welcome To Sweden is a must-watch series that provides an excellent blend of comedy and cultural immersion. So, join Bruce on this hilarious and heartfelt journey as he discovers the joys and challenges of life in Sweden.
Also Known As:
Welcome to SwedenRelease Date:
10 Jul 2014Writers:
Greg Poehler, Josephine Bornebusch, Niclas CarlssonAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations