In We Go On (2016), the intriguing story revolves around Miles Grissom, who embarks on an extraordinary quest to discover the existence of life after death. Miles, played by Clark Freeman, is so consumed by his fear of dying that he offers a substantial reward of $30,000 to anyone who can provide concrete evidence that an afterlife truly exists. This captivating thriller takes viewers on an emotional journey as Miles encounters various paranormal experts, mediums, and psychics, each claiming to have answers to the ultimate question.
As the film progresses, Miles becomes entangled in a web of mystery and suspense, constantly questioning his own beliefs and confronting his deepest fears. Despite his initial skepticism, he gradually finds himself drawn into a world where the paranormal may hold the key to his lifelong quest. With his desperate desire to find solace from his fear of death, Miles must navigate through encounters that challenge his perception of reality and push the boundaries of his own existence.
We Go On combines elements of drama, mystery, and horror, delivering a thought-provoking exploration of the afterlife and the human quest for immortality. With its engrossing storyline, stellar performances, and atmospheric cinematography, this film is sure to captivate audiences and leave them pondering the mysteries of life beyond death.
Also Known As:
We Go OnRelease Date:
07 Feb 2017Writers:
Jesse Holland, Andy MittonAwards:
3 wins & 3 nominations