Wayne is a thrilling action comedy that follows the story of a spirited 16-year-old named Wayne. With a heart full of kindness, Wayne embarks on an adventure from Boston to Florida on a dirtbike, accompanied by his newfound friend, Del. Their mission is to retrieve his late father's stolen 1978 Trans-Am, a cherished possession he is determined to reclaim.
In this movie, Wayne's character is reminiscent of the iconic Dirty Harry, blending adventure and heart in a unique way. As he navigates through various obstacles, Wayne's journey becomes a mix of the relentless action of John Wick and the charming coming-of-age elements found in John Hughes films.
Wayne's determination to confront the thieves and retrieve his father's prized possession lays the foundation for an exciting and humorous narrative that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It is a rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected twists and turns that will leave audiences eagerly anticipating what happens next.
With its combination of thrilling action sequences, comedic moments, and heartfelt storytelling, Wayne is an unforgettable movie experience. Join Wayne and Del on their road trip adventure as they encounter a series of unforgettable characters and face numerous challenges in their quest to reclaim what was stolen from Wayne's father.
Also Known As:
WayneRelease Date:
16 Jan 2019Writers:
Shawn SimmonsAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination