Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Circuit Experimental Films (2018–) is a collection of independent animated short films that showcases the creativity and innovation of Disney's talented animators. This series of bite-sized stories bursts with imagination, taking viewers on unforgettable journeys in just a few minutes.
Each short film in this collection is unique and offers a fresh perspective on storytelling. With a blend of different animation styles, the films explore a wide range of themes and emotions, captivating audiences of all ages.
From heartwarming tales to breathtaking adventures, these short films captivate viewers and leave a lasting impact. Each story is meticulously crafted, with stunning visuals and compelling characters that quickly draw you in. Whether it's a painter exploring a magical world, a robot discovering friendship, or a fantastical escape, these shorts are sure to ignite your imagination and leave you wanting more.
Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Circuit Experimental Films (2018–) is a must-watch for animation enthusiasts and Disney fans alike. With its diverse range of storytelling and passionate animation, this collection is a testament to Disney's commitment to pushing the boundaries of creativity and storytelling. Don't miss out on this captivating and enchanting journey into the world of Disney animation.
Also Known As:
Short CircuitRelease Date:
24 Jan 2020