In Walled In, a thrilling horror movie from 2009, a young demolition engineer named Sam discovers a dark secret while supervising the demolition of an old building. As she begins tearing down the walls, she uncovers a horrifying truth - the building's past inhabitants were trapped and entombed within its walls by a vicious murderer.
With her life now in danger, Sam must find a way to outsmart the killer and escape the building before she becomes his next victim. As she delves deeper into the history of the building, Sam uncovers a series of disturbing events and dark secrets that have haunted the place for years.
As the tension builds, Sam's survival skills are put to the test as she navigates the maze-like structure and uncovers the truth about the killer's motives. With suspenseful twists and turns, Walled In keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Will Sam be able to outsmart the killer and free herself from the building's deadly grip? Find out in this chilling horror film that explores the hidden horrors lurking behind walls. Walled In is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers and horror movies.