Walden is a gripping thriller set in a small southern town, centered around the life of Walden Dean, an ordinary court stenographer with a hidden secret. When Walden receives a devastating diagnosis revealing his imminent death, he embarks on a mission to seek justice for the criminals who have eluded prosecution.
Fueled by his impending demise, Walden takes matters into his own hands, venturing into the dangerous world of vigilantism. With a meticulous plan in place, he methodically tracks down the criminals and ensures they face the consequences of their actions. As he delves deeper into his spree of revenge, Walden wrestles with the moral implications of his actions and the impact they have on those around him.
As the tension rises, Walden's pursuit becomes increasingly risky, drawing the attention of the local law enforcement. As they close in on him, Walden must confront the consequences of his choices and make critical decisions that could change the course of his own fate.
Walden is a thought-provoking and suspenseful film that explores themes of justice, morality, and the power of one individual's determination. With its gripping storyline and brilliant performances, this movie will keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Also Known As:
WaldenRelease Date:
12 Dec 2023Writers:
Mick Davis