Vivir sin permiso (2018–2020) is a captivating Spanish crime drama series that centers around Nemo Bandeira, a successful businessman and drug lord who is suddenly diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Faced with the reality of his illness, Nemo desperately tries to conceal his condition from his family while contemplating who could potentially take over his empire.
The series delves into the complex dynamics of Nemo's life, as he navigates his dual roles as a respected businessman and a criminal mastermind. As his memory deteriorates, the stakes become higher, and Nemo must rely on his trusted allies to maintain control over his empire and protect his family from rival gangs itching to take his throne.
Vivir sin permiso offers an intriguing blend of suspense, family drama, and crime. The audience is taken on a thrilling journey as they witness Nemo's struggle to balance his personal struggle with his dire need to secure a successor. The tension mounts with every episode, as his secrets gradually unravel and threaten to bring down the empire he has built.
With its intricate storyline, captivating performances, and gripping plot twists, Vivir sin permiso is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as Nemo's world unravels and his once stable life begins to teeter on the brink of chaos.
Also Known As:
Unauthorized LivingRelease Date:
08 Feb 2019Writers:
Aitor GabilondoAwards:
3 nominations