Viewpoint, a gripping and tense drama series, follows a police surveillance investigation in a close-knit community in Manchester. Led by Noel Clarke and featuring an all-star cast, the show delves into the complex question of whether it is possible to observe the lives of others with true objectivity and without any influence.
The series is created from an idea by Harry Bradbeer, the director behind hit shows like Killing Eve and No Offence, and written by Edgar award-winner Ed Whitmore. With their expertise and talent, viewers can expect a thrilling and thought-provoking storyline.
Without giving away any spoilers, the show promises to deliver intense moments as the police surveillance operation unfolds. As the investigation progresses, secrets and hidden truths about the community members begin to emerge, adding layers of complexity to the story.
Viewpoint offers viewers a chance to contemplate the nature of surveillance and the impact it can have on both the observed and the observer. Can true objectivity be achieved, or is it inevitable for personal influences to come into play?
With its stellar cast, gripping storyline, and talented creators, Viewpoint is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and psychological thrillers. Don't miss out on this exciting series exploring the blurred lines between observation and influence.