In the movie Venom (2005), a spine-chilling horror, a group of teenagers find themselves trapped in a terrifying ordeal that unfolds deep within the dangerous swamps of Louisiana. Their lives are suddenly endangered by Mr. Jangles, a man possessed by 13 malevolent souls, whose relentless pursuit of new victims knows no bounds.
Set in the atmospheric Louisiana backdrop, this suspenseful film takes viewers on a nail-biting journey as the teenagers fight to survive and escape the clutches of Mr. Jangles. As the group struggles to outwit their relentless pursuer, tension mounts, and the threat becomes increasingly sinister.
With its heart-pounding plot and expertly crafted scares, Venom keeps audiences on the edge of their seats throughout. Drawing inspiration from classic horror elements, the film delivers a gripping experience laced with supernatural thrills and chilling encounters.
Featuring stunning cinematography that captures the eerie beauty of the Louisiana swamps, Venom immerses viewers in a world of terror. Combining atmospheric visuals, a haunting score, and a talented cast, the movie builds a sense of dread that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.
Prepare to be captivated by Venom, a spine-tingling horror that guarantees to keep you guessing until its shocking conclusion.
Also Known As:
VenomRelease Date:
16 Sep 2005Writers:
Flint Dille, John Zuur Platten, Brandon Boyce