In the action-packed thriller Vendetta (2015), Detective Mason is a man driven by vengeance. When his beloved wife is brutally murdered by a criminal he had previously put away, Mason's world shatters. Determined to seek justice, Mason devises a daring plan – he purposefully gets himself arrested, infiltrating the prison walls to uncover a dangerous criminal organization.
Once inside, Mason's relentless pursuit of vengeance leads him down a treacherous path. He discovers a web of corruption and violence, with those in charge willing to go to any lengths to protect their illicit enterprise. As Mason delves deeper into this dark world, he must navigate dangerous alliances and outsmart his enemies to uncover the truth.
Directed by the acclaimed directors Jen and Sylvia Soska and starring Dean Cain in a gripping performance, Vendetta brings intensity and suspense to the screen. With high-octane action sequences and unexpected twists, this gripping thriller keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Vendetta is a heart-pounding tale of one man's unwavering quest for justice, showing that he is willing to risk everything, even his own life, to avenge his wife's death. This thrilling film offers a rollercoaster ride of suspense and revenge that will leave viewers captivated until the very end.
Also Known As:
VendettaRelease Date:
12 Jun 2015Writers:
Justin Shady