Vem minns indelte soldaten Ros? (1972) is a thought-provoking film that delves into the life of Olof Knutsson Ros, also known as Rosgubben, an indelte soldier and farmer who lived in Äppelbo socken in Västerdalarna. The film explores the question of what remains of a person after their death and how long their memory lives on. Through captivating storytelling and historical context, viewers are taken on a journey through Ros's life, from his time as a soldier to his later years as a respected homestead owner.
Produced by Ebbe Gilbe, this film provides a unique insight into the life of a remarkable individual and the legacy he left behind. As the narrative unfolds, audiences are given a glimpse into Ros's world, his struggles, triumphs, and the impact he made on those around him. Vem minns indelte soldaten Ros? (1972) is a captivating exploration of memory, identity, and the lasting impact of one man's life in rural Sweden.