In the action-packed South Korean thriller V.I.P. (2017), the story revolves around the son of a powerful North Korean official who becomes the prime suspect in a series of international murders. With authorities from South Korea, North Korea, and Interpol hot on his trail, the tension escalates as the chase intensifies across different countries. As the investigation unfolds, layers of deception and intrigue come to light, revealing a complex web of political corruption and personal vendettas.
V.I.P. offers a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, as the characters navigate a treacherous world of power struggles and hidden agendas. The thrilling cat-and-mouse game between the authorities and the elusive suspect adds a sense of urgency and suspense to the storyline. With its high-stakes plot and intense action sequences, V.I.P. delivers a riveting cinematic experience that will leave audiences guessing until the very end. Don't miss out on this adrenaline-pumping ride through the world of international espionage and mystery.
Also Known As:
V.I.P.Release Date:
24 Aug 2017Writers:
Park Hoon-jungAwards:
1 win