Uprising (2024) is a riveting period drama set in the Joseon Dynasty, following the intertwined lives of two childhood friends who are now on opposite sides of a post-war conflict. As one rises to become a powerful master, the other remains a loyal servant, creating a stark contrast in their social statuses and beliefs. Throughout the film, the tension between the two friends-turned-enemies escalates, leading to dramatic confrontations and difficult choices that test their loyalty and values.
Amidst the backdrop of political unrest and social upheaval, Uprising showcases themes of friendship, betrayal, and the complexities of power dynamics. The stunning visuals and authentic historical details transport viewers to a bygone era, immersing them in the rich tapestry of Joseon society. The stellar performances by the cast bring depth and emotion to the characters, making their struggles and motivations resonate with audiences.
Experience the gripping tale of two friends caught in the tumultuous winds of change in Uprising (2024) on your favorite streaming platform.
Also Known As:
UprisingRelease Date:
11 Oct 2024Writers:
Park Chan-wook, Shin Chul, Sang Man Kim