Unsane is a gripping psychological thriller directed by Steven Soderbergh. The film revolves around a young woman named Sawyer Valentini who finds herself involuntarily committed to a mental institution. Sawyer's past experiences with a stalker have left her feeling paranoid and scared, leading her to seek therapy. However, she soon realizes that her worst fears are coming true as she begins to suspect that her stalker has followed her into the facility.
As Sawyer struggles to distinguish reality from her delusions, tension builds as she befriends fellow patients, confronts the hospital's staff, and becomes increasingly desperate to prove her sanity. The film expertly blurs the lines between reality and illusion, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats throughout.
With a stellar performance from Claire Foy in the lead role, Unsane explores themes of trauma, gaslighting, and the vulnerability of mental health patients. The film delves into the murky world of the mental health care system, showing the potential for abuse and manipulation. As the story unfolds, audiences are left questioning what is real and who can be trusted.
Overall, Unsane offers a chilling and thought-provoking exploration of the human mind, leaving viewers with a lingering sense of unease.
Also Known As:
UnsaneRelease Date:
23 Mar 2018Writers:
Jonathan Bernstein, James GreerAwards:
1 win & 5 nominations