Unknown (2011) is a gripping thriller that follows the intense journey of Dr. Martin Harris, played by Liam Neeson, who wakes up from a coma to find himself in a horrifying situation. When he discovers that an imposter has assumed his identity, he must join forces with a young woman named Gina, portrayed by Diane Kruger. Together, they embark on a dangerous mission to uncover the truth and reclaim Harris's life.
Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, the film is filled with suspenseful twists and turns that keep audiences guessing until the very end. As Harris and Gina dig deeper, they stumble upon a mysterious conspiracy that appears to involve high-level corruption, leaving them unsure of who they can trust.
Neeson delivers a powerful performance as the determined protagonist, showcasing his expertise in action-packed roles. Kruger brings depth to her character, serving as a formidable ally alongside Neeson. The chemistry between the two leads adds an extra layer of intrigue to the plot.
With its fast-paced storyline and breathtaking action sequences, Unknown offers viewers an exhilarating cinematic experience. The film skillfully builds tension and immerses audiences in a world where deception and danger lurk at every corner. Unknown is a must-watch for fans of thrilling suspense and psychological mysteries.
Also Known As:
UnknownRelease Date:
18 Feb 2011Writers:
Oliver Butcher, Stephen Cornwell, Didier Van CauwelaertAwards:
3 nominations