In the film Ungt blod (1943), viewers are introduced to Eva, a talented college girl who spends her summer working at a farm. While there, she encounters a world vastly different from her own, filled with unwanted children, desires, and temporary relationships. As Eva navigates this unfamiliar environment, she must confront the challenges and complexities that come with it.
The film showcases Eva's journey as she explores the complexities of human relationships, societal expectations, and personal growth. Through her interactions with the children and other people at the farm, Eva begins to see the world in a new light, challenging her own beliefs and values.
Ungt blod delves into themes of self-discovery, the impact of social norms, and the power of human connection. It offers a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of personal identity and the complexities of human relationships. Viewers will be captivated by Eva's emotional journey as she navigates the challenges of the farm and discovers new aspects of herself.
Also Known As:
Ungt blodRelease Date:
12 Oct 1943Writers:
Ivar Johansson