Unfriended: Dark Web (2018) is a gripping techno-thriller that revolves around a young man who unwittingly becomes entangled in a sinister web of cybercrime. When a teenager named Mat obtains a new laptop, he quickly realizes that the device has a haunting past. The previous owner, a malicious hacker, is not only monitoring Mat's every move but is willing to go to extreme lengths to retrieve the laptop.
As Mat delves deeper into the laptop's dark secrets, he discovers that it is connected to the elusive dark web, a hidden part of the internet where criminals and illegal activities thrive. His online interactions with his friends take a terrifying turn as they unsuspectingly become pawns in a twisted game controlled by a vicious network of criminals.
Completely set within the confines of a computer screen, this innovative found footage-style film, shot entirely on webcams and screenshare sessions, delivers an intense and realistic viewing experience. Unfriended: Dark Web explores themes of privacy invasion, identity theft, and the unscrupulous underbelly of the digital world.
With shocking twists and heart-pounding suspense, Unfriended: Dark Web offers a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurk in the depths of the internet. This thrilling ride will leave audiences questioning the extent of their own digital vulnerability.