Unfaithful (2002) is a captivating drama that explores the consequences of illicit desire. Connie Sumner seemingly has it all - a devoted husband, a picturesque home, and a cherished son. However, her yearning for excitement leads her down a treacherous path. While attempting to hail a taxi, she encounters a charming stranger who triggers an insatiable obsession within her.
As their forbidden relationship escalates, Connie's actions become increasingly selfish. Despite the thrill, she can't escape the guilt and the impending fallout from her infidelity. The consequences of her affair threaten to unravel her life as she knows it.
Directed by Adrian Lyne, the film delves deep into the complexities of human desire, exploring themes of love, betrayal, and the destructive power of temptation. The audience is caught in a suspenseful journey, questioning the potential destruction of Connie's marriage and the collateral damage her actions may cause.
Featuring stunning performances by Diane Lane, Richard Gere, and Olivier Martinez, Unfaithful is a gripping portrayal of the turmoil faced by individuals when faced with choices that challenge their morality. The film serves as a cautionary tale, reminding viewers of the consequences of straying from fidelity and the everlasting impact it can have on one's life and relationships.
Unfaithful offers viewers a thought-provoking and emotionally charged experience, expertly weaving together gripping performances, intense suspense, and captivating storytelling.
Also Known As:
UnfaithfulRelease Date:
10 May 2002Writers:
Claude Chabrol, Alvin Sargent, William Broyles Jr.Awards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 3 wins & 16 nominations total