Under the Bridge (2024–) follows the tragic true story of Reena Virk, a fourteen-year-old girl who goes missing after attending a party with friends. The film explores the harrowing events that unfolded after Reena's disappearance, focusing on the seven teenage girls and a boy who were accused of her murder. As the case unravels, secrets emerge, and the community is forced to confront the dark and complex dynamics at play among its youth.
Through riveting performances and powerful storytelling, Under the Bridge delves deep into the investigation, the trial, and the emotional impact of Reena's death on her family, friends, and the entire community. The film captures the raw emotion and tension surrounding the case, shedding light on the complexities of teen relationships and the devastating consequences of violence.
Under the Bridge is a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of justice, compassion, and the lasting effects of a senseless tragedy. Join us as we uncover the truth behind this gripping and heartbreaking story.
Through riveting performances and powerful storytelling, Under the Bridge delves deep into the investigation, the trial, and the emotional impact of Reena's death on her family, friends, and the entire community. The film captures the raw emotion and tension surrounding the case, shedding light on the complexities of teen relationships and the devastating consequences of violence.
Under the Bridge is a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of justice, compassion, and the lasting effects of a senseless tragedy. Join us as we uncover the truth behind this gripping and heartbreaking story.