Under the Autumn Moon (2018) is a heartwarming romantic movie that takes viewers on a captivating journey into the wilderness. The story centers around an ambitious woman who visits a dude ranch as part of her job. As she explores the stunning natural beauty of the ranch and reconnects with the great outdoors, she rediscovers her true passions and priorities.
The main character finds herself facing a potential promotion and is determined to make a good impression on her company. However, her plans take an unexpected turn when she encounters a charming cowboy who challenges her perspective on life and work. As their relationship develops, she begins to question what truly matters to her.
Filled with breathtaking landscapes and heartfelt moments, Under the Autumn Moon is a perfect choice for those seeking an inspiring and feel-good movie experience. It showcases the transformative power of nature and portrays the importance of following one's passions.
This romantic film offers a well-rounded mix of adventure, romance, and self-discovery. With its compelling storyline and authentic characters, Under the Autumn Moon is sure to entertain viewers of all ages. Embark on this captivating journey as you witness the magic that unfolds when one finds themselves under the autumn moon.
Also Known As:
Under the Autumn MoonRelease Date:
13 Oct 2018Writers:
Nicole Avril, Tracy Andreen, Edgar Lyall