In the movie Uncle Sam (1996), a Desert Storm veteran is brought back to life on July Fourth to seek vengeance on the unpatriotic individuals in his hometown. The story unfolds when a group of teenagers burns an American flag on his burial site, inadvertently awakening his vengeful spirit. As Uncle Sam goes on a killing spree, targeting those who he deems unpatriotic, a young boy named Jody becomes determined to stop the supernatural force before more lives are lost. With the help of his family and friends, Jody races against time to put an end to Uncle Sam's reign of terror.
Uncle Sam delves into themes of patriotism, revenge, and the consequences of disrespecting national symbols. The movie combines elements of horror and thriller genres to create a chilling and suspenseful narrative. As viewers are taken on a journey filled with tension and fear, they are forced to confront the question of what it truly means to be patriotic. Uncle Sam offers a unique and thrilling take on the consequences of disrespecting the symbols of one's country.
Also Known As:
Uncle SamRelease Date:
04 Jul 1997Writers:
Larry Cohen