Unbelievable is an intense and gripping crime drama that follows the heartbreaking true story of a teenager who is charged with lying about being raped. Based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning article, this compelling series sheds light on the tangled web of bureaucracy and disbelief surrounding sexual assault cases.
The story takes a shocking turn when two tenacious detectives embark on a relentless pursuit of the truth, determined to uncover the real perpetrator. As they dig deeper into the evidence, they encounter similar cases across different jurisdictions, exposing a disturbing pattern that raises questions about the justice system and the way society treats survivors.
Filled with powerful performances and thought-provoking storytelling, Unbelievable is a compelling exploration of trauma, resilience, and the power of perseverance. The series adeptly weaves together multiple timelines and perspectives, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they piece together the puzzle. It skillfully navigates themes of doubt, victim-blaming, and the emotional toll of reporting sexual assault.
With its gripping narrative and meticulous attention to detail, Unbelievable offers a sobering glimpse into the harsh realities faced by survivors of sexual assault. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of believing victims and the urgent need for reform in the criminal justice system. Prepare to be captivated by this powerful and thought-provoking series.
Also Known As:
UnbelievableRelease Date:
13 Sep 2019Writers:
Susannah Grant, Michael Chabon, Ayelet WaldmanAwards:
Nominated for 4 Primetime Emmys. 6 wins & 40 nominations total