Umma (2022) is a compelling drama that revolves around Amanda and her daughter as they lead a peaceful life on an American farm. However, everything takes an unexpected turn when the remains of Amanda's long-lost mother, who she was estranged from, are delivered from Korea. This event sends Amanda into a downward spiral as she becomes consumed by the fear of becoming like her own mother.
Delving deep into the complexities of mother-daughter relationships and the haunting impact of family legacies, Umma explores the haunting question of whether history repeats itself. As Amanda grapples with her past and confronts her unresolved emotions, tensions rise, revealing the deep-rooted wounds within their family dynamic.
Directed by a visionary filmmaker, Umma captures the essence of personal struggle and growth, bringing forth the universal theme of identity and self-discovery. With captivating performances that showcase the raw emotions of the characters, the film immerses viewers in a poignant exploration of familial bonds and the weight of inherited traits.
With its captivating narrative and powerful storytelling, Umma is a must-watch for those seeking thought-provoking and emotionally charged cinema. Don't miss out on this gripping tale that navigates the complexities of motherhood and the lifelong impact it can have on one's identity.
Also Known As:
UmmaRelease Date:
18 Mar 2022Writers:
Iris K. ShimAwards:
1 win