Umbre (2014–) is a captivating Romanian TV series that follows the gripping double life of Relu Oncescu. On the surface, Relu is an ordinary taxi driver and a devoted family man, but he also works secretly as a collector for a local mobster named Capitanu. With his family unaware of his criminal activities and the mafia unaware of his family life, Relu manages to keep both worlds separate.
However, everything changes when Relu accidentally takes a life. This traumatic event pushes him to make the difficult decision to escape the underworld. Unfortunately, his attempts to leave the mafia behind and return to a normal life prove to be more challenging than anticipated. As the days pass, the weight of the secrets he carries becomes more suffocating, and the web of lies he has spun starts to unravel piece by piece.
Umbre is a thrilling and suspenseful series that explores the tension between the protagonist's two conflicting identities. Viewers are taken on a journey into the depths of Relu's complex world, as he grapples with the consequences of his actions and the mounting pressure from both sides of his life. With its compelling storyline and compelling characters, Umbre will keep audiences on the edge of their seats, craving for more.
Also Known As:
UmbreRelease Date:
28 Dec 2014