Ultimate Spider-Man is an action-packed animated series that follows the adventures of Peter Parker as he embraces his role as the iconic superhero. After a year of fighting crime, Spider-Man realizes that being a hero comes with its fair share of challenges and unintended consequences. To help him navigate these complexities, Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., offers Peter a chance to join a specialized training program to become the Ultimate Spider-Man.
This new opportunity requires Peter to learn teamwork and collaboration with a group of fellow teenage superheroes, both in his professional life and personal relationships. As he adjusts to his new dynamic and balances his responsibilities as a student and a superhero, Peter must also face off against powerful supervillains.
With a mix of heart-pounding action and witty humor, Ultimate Spider-Man showcases the trials and tribulations of a young hero juggling multiple aspects of his life. From intense battles with notorious adversaries to forming new alliances with his superhero peers, Peter's life is as hectic as ever.
Join Spider-Man on his thrilling quest to protect the city, learn valuable life lessons, and ultimately become the hero he was destined to be in Ultimate Spider-Man.
Also Known As:
Ultimate Spider-ManRelease Date:
01 Apr 2012Writers:
Todd McFarlane, David Michelinie, Bill MantloAwards:
9 nominations