Two Distant Strangers is a thought-provoking and gripping short film that delves into the pressing issue of police violence and systemic racism in America. The story revolves around a young Black man named Carter James who, after spending a pleasant evening with a woman named Perri, is desperate to return home to his beloved dog. However, his journey takes a dark turn when he finds himself trapped in a never-ending time loop.
Every time Carter wakes up, he is forced to relive a horrifying encounter with a police officer that ultimately ends in his death. Faced with the same tragic outcome repeatedly, Carter desperately tries to break free from this harrowing loop and rewrite his destiny. With each iteration, he navigates through different strategies and approaches, highlighting the overwhelming weight of racial profiling and police brutality.
Two Distant Strangers challenges viewers to confront the injustices and racism ingrained in society. Through its powerful storytelling, the film aims to foster understanding, empathy, and meaningful conversations about the urgent need for change. With its engaging plot and thought-provoking message, this gripping short film is a must-watch for those seeking social commentary and reflection on the critical issues facing our world today.
Also Known As:
Two Distant StrangersRelease Date:
20 Nov 2020Writers:
Travon FreeAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 2 wins total