Twelve Forever (2019) follows the adventurous Reggie, whose ultimate desire is to never grow up. Through the sheer force of her imagination, she conjures up a magical realm known as Endless Island – a place where eternal childhood reigns supreme. At its core, this animated series delves into themes of nostalgia, friendship, and the infinite possibilities of the imagination. As Reggie navigates her way through this whimsical world, she encounters various fantastical beings and embarks on exciting escapades that challenge her perception of reality. While exploring Endless Island, Reggie discovers the true value of friendship and the importance of cherishing every moment of childhood. With vibrant animation and engaging storytelling, Twelve Forever invites viewers to escape into a world where youthfulness knows no bounds. Join Reggie on her enchanting journey through Endless Island, where the magic of eternal childhood awaits.
Also Known As:
Twelve ForeverRelease Date:
29 Jul 2019Writers:
Julia VickermanAwards:
1 nomination