Twas the Text Before Christmas is a heartwarming holiday movie that centers around the unlikely friendship between Addie and Nana, formed through an accidental text message. Addie, a young woman, decides to visit Nana after their text conversations bring them closer. During her visit, Addie also meets Nana's only son, James.
As Addie spends time with Nana and James, she starts to see James in a new light, and their relationship begins to evolve. Throughout the movie, viewers witness the transformation of Addie and James' bond, as they navigate the complexities of their past holiday experiences together.
The film explores themes of love, family, and the power of connection during the holiday season. It captures the joy and warmth of the holidays, while also delving into the challenges that can arise when it comes to relationships and expectations.
Twas the Text Before Christmas offers a heartfelt and uplifting story that will leave viewers feeling festive and inspired. With its relatable characters and touching moments, the movie reminds us of the importance of cherishing our loved ones and finding joy in the simple act of reaching out and connecting with others. This holiday film is a delightful addition to any streaming service's lineup.
Also Known As:
Twas the Text Before ChristmasRelease Date:
21 Oct 2023Writers:
Cara J. Russell