Turner & Hooch is a thrilling TV adaptation of the beloved 1989 film. This engaging series follows the story of Scott Turner, a detective who solves crimes with the unexpected assistance of an enormous and slobbery dog named Hooch. As the duo tackles a wide range of cases together, viewers are taken on an exciting and heartwarming journey.
Set in the present day, this modern take on the classic buddy cop genre introduces us to Scott Turner Jr., the son of the original film's protagonist. Faced with the challenge of partnering up with Hooch, a clumsy yet lovable French Mastiff, Scott finds himself confronting not only his own reservations about owning a pet but also adjusting to this unconventional partnership. Despite their differences, Turner and Hooch soon realize that they complement each other perfectly, enhancing their investigative skills and forming an unbreakable bond.
With each episode, Turner & Hooch expertly combines action, humor, and heart, ensuring an entertaining experience for viewers of all ages. This series captures the essence of the original film while bringing a fresh and vibrant perspective to the story. Prepare to be captivated by this delightful and endearing duo as they embark on extraordinary adventures together, showcasing the unbreakable bond between man and dog, and proving that sometimes, the greatest crime-solving partner comes in the most unexpected package.
Also Known As:
Turner & HoochRelease Date:
21 Jul 2021Writers:
Matt NixAwards:
2 nominations