True Detective is a gripping and intense crime thriller series that takes viewers on a journey through various police investigations. Each season of the show follows a different case, unravelling the secrets and challenges faced by the detectives involved. Through their investigations, both the personal and professional lives of the characters become entangled, resulting in unforeseen consequences.
This anthology series offers viewers a unique and compelling storytelling experience, as it explores the dark and complex nature of crime and the human psyche. With each season, the show introduces a new set of characters and a different location, allowing for engaging and diverse storylines.
True Detective delves into the secrets and hidden lives of both those within and outside the law, creating a web of intrigue and suspense. The series skillfully combines elements of mystery and drama, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.
Thrilling and thought-provoking, True Detective is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas. With its well-developed characters, atmospheric settings, and captivating storytelling, it offers an immersive experience that will leave audiences craving for more. Get ready to join the detectives on their quest for truth and justice.
Also Known As:
True DetectiveRelease Date:
12 Jan 2014Writers:
Nic PizzolattoAwards:
Won 5 Primetime Emmys. 30 wins & 93 nominations total